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Cyn C.

The experts in the medicine of psychology say that moving is in the top three of the most stressful events of a family's life. I have moved eleven times in a lifelong effort to earn a living just to test this theory. We have moved from the East coast three times and each event had its own set of challenges. This move was quite different because this time I was forced to withdraw my daughter from college and move her from an apartment in Brooklyn, New York, because of a brain tumor. The condition required a timing schedule that did not have a job deadline but a deadline related to chemotherapy. A dear friend of mine had recently moved from Pennsylvania back to Texas and highly recommended Joe Clemmer and Allied Van Lines. I contacted Mr. Clemmer. He patiently explained to me the options available knowing full well that we were moving memories, not items of a high monetary value. Memories take on their own value when they become a medicinal treatment for a very sick young lady and her parents that are trying to escort her through her illness. Our daughter's doctors timed our visit back to Brooklyn with her treatments so she could say goodbye to her friends, purge her belongings and make personal decisions about her possessions. No one knew about this journey because she wanted to feel "normal" and chose not to announce her condition for fear of the dreaded sympathy farewells. The experience went smoothly until the day before the move when Mr. Clemmer was notified that our lo

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